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Changing eating habits during confinement

In these times of confinement, it is particularly important to watch over his diet. Indeed, this restriction of movements inevitably leads to a sedentary lifestyle which can be harmful to health. For example, snacking increases your chances of gaining weight, which can cause serious health problems. To avoid getting there, it is advisable to eat well. How to get there ?? This is what we share with you in this article.

Should you change your eating habits during confinement?

To keep in good shape during this period of inactivity, it is essential to choose your food carefully. Depending on the case, you may need to change your diet. In fact, restriction measures sometimes impose it. For this reason, it is advisable to organize your shopping properly. If possible, group your purchases in one trip to limit your travel. Unlike the old practices, it will be difficult, if not impossible, for you to go out to get flour, yeast and others. In this case, you will be forced to use the available ingredients to compose your dishes.

Even if the situation in your area makes it possible to carry out several races per week, you must learn to eat better in order to maintain your health. As much as possible, eat less trans fat and more vegetables. If you used to eat three times a day, continue with that habit. Be sure to reduce the portions and avoid snacking. If you like to drink when you wake up, opt for the consumption of hot drinks.

Avoid turning food into a hobby

For an inactive person, food can quickly become a refuge from boredom. However, the body only needs a certain amount of food for its needs. In these confined times, it is advisable to avoid excessively rich foods and prepare meals. Whatever your tastes, you will easily find recipes online to satisfy you. If you like quiches, consume no more than once every two weeks.

When it comes to chocolates, aim for less than 20 grams per day. For those who particularly like cheese recipes, it is also not recommended to consume more than three times a week. In no case should containment be used as an alibi to increase your alcohol consumption. If you want to treat yourself, you can have wine twice a week.

Containment and food: how to preserve one’s health ??

If restriction of circulation is an effective measure to limit the spread of the new coronavirus, this solution can become a source of problems in some people. It is for this reason that it is advisable to define regular timetables for movement while controlling your diet. It goes without saying, therefore, that you should always continue to get up at the usual time and plan activities for each day. If you didn’t, take the opportunity to get into sport.

When it comes to meals, avoid increasing your energy intake. If possible, reduce them by about 20% to avoid weight gain. For someone who used to have food delivered to their home, taking tutorials on how to prepare meals can be a great idea. However, you must pay attention to the content of the dishes and the energy portion.

Whatever your appetite, a meal should not exceed 100 g. Likewise, you should take care to limit your daily portions of meat or fish to 120 g. For starchy foods, only one consumption per day is recommended. Do not hesitate to accompany your meal with a fruit or yogurt. If you can make your breads at home, avoid traveling to bakeries. Instead, add flour and yeast to your shopping list.

What should be given to children during confinement?

Knowing that a child is much more active than an adult, it is recommended not to modify anything in their diet. At home, children move a little more than at school. So take advantage of confinement to strengthen your ties while maintaining good eating habits. Avoid, however, not filling your refrigerators with too fatty and too sweet foods. Like adults, children should also eat less trans fat and more vegetables for perfect health.

Confinement is also the perfect time to prepare family meals. In addition to helping you transmit good values ??to your children, cooking together will allow you to spend moments of conviviality. So take advantage of it ?!

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Merci d’avoir fait de notre dîner un franc succès.

Bell Canada

Je voulais te dire un gros merci pour le bon repas que tu nous as concocté. J’ai beaucoup aimé et je n’ai eu que de bons commentaires de la part de mes coéquipiers de travail.
Ce repas a contribué encore une fois au grand succès de ce party.
Ce sera un plaisir de goûter un nouveau plat l’an prochain !

Ville de Longueuil


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Votre service était impeccable, accueillant et très original! Nous n’avons reçu que de bons commentaires de tous nos invités. Nous étions satisfaits de la qualité de la nourriture. Le Paëlla a été un énorme succès! Un service à recommander sans hésitation!

Mariage Véronique et Antonio

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