Food, covid-19 and consumers: response to concerns

When everyone is facing the coronavirus pandemic, everyone must now change their habits and adopt a different lifestyle. Staying at home becomes the golden rule for protecting yourself and your loved ones. To support this confinement, you must at some time or other get food from outside. Doesn’t this present a risk of contamination? In addition to this question, you are probably asking yourself many other questions. In this article, you will find the answer to all your concerns related to your diet and the risk of contamination of covid-19.
Can covid-19 be transmitted through food?
Like any consumer, it is normal that you ask yourself this question given the high risk of contamination. Indeed, any contact with a person presenting symptoms characteristic of coronavirus disease is likely to contaminate you. And since you do not know the health of those who pack your orders or of your deliverers, you may wonder if you are risking nothing.
To reassure you, be aware that transmission of covid-19 is not possible through food. You will therefore not be able to be contaminated by the food you eat. And besides, the virus cannot multiply in food products. As a reminder, the main mode of transmission remains contact with a surface or an object contaminated by the virus (for example by touching the surface with your hand, then bringing the latter to your mouth, nose or eyes) . It is for this reason that you must respect the hygiene measures, namely:
- Regular hand washing with soap before eating ?;
- The diligent cleaning of food before consumption?
- Using the bend in the elbow to cough or sneeze ?;
- Respect for social distance (one meter minimum).
For those who still fear the closing of grocery stores because of the risk of contamination by food, do not worry anymore! You cannot get coronavirus disease from food. Therefore, no government will ask for their closure. And besides, it is a primordial and essential sector for living in containment.
What are the attitudes to have as a consumer during the pandemic?
You now know that you cannot get covid-19 from food. But to contribute in some way to the diversity of food during your confinement, you have to change certain habits. Initially, you must favor local consumption in order to limit trade and distance from marketing. Likewise, this will be a contribution to support local producers, processors and sellers. In a second step, you must buy your different foods near you to avoid moving away from your home. This will prevent you from coming into contact with many people. You can even order your products directly so as not to go out. You will find platforms that are sure to give you satisfaction. In summary, here are some attitudes to have now as consumers:
- Include local products in your daily diet;
- Feel free to try new recipes to eat local ?;
- Avoid wasting food at home as much as possible;
- Choose delivery services or counter services to buy food?
- Visit restaurants to offer you your favorite dishes
Some other concerns about the risk of contamination
In addition to the questions already addressed, other questions still concern consumers. Beyond the risk of transmitting covid-19 through food, you must be well informed to protect yourself.
What are the gestures to adopt when shopping for food?
To limit the spread of the coronavirus during your races, you must take certain measures. To begin, know that it is not necessary to go out with several to get your supplies. Only one person can take care of purchases in store. Then, once in supermarkets, grocery stores or in front of the stands, you must respect the minimum distance of one meter and wait patiently for your turn. And above all, don’t forget to wear your muffler! However, if your presence is not essential, you can simply order your products from your home. This greatly reduces the risks.
What to do as soon as you return home after shopping?
As explained above, transmission of the coronavirus can occur from contaminated surfaces or objects. So, by touching these parts with your hand and bringing it to your mouth, nose or eyes, you may be contaminated. You are therefore wondering if you should wash your hands and all the products purchased.
To reassure you, know that you do not need to clean all the wrapped items. Just take care to wash your hands with soap as soon as you get home. Likewise, resume exercise after storing food and other items. Before cooking or eating, wash your hands as well. This reduces the risk of contamination and protects you. Finally, when you buy unpackaged fruits and vegetables, be sure to wash them before eating. However, you do not need to add detergent. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to refer to our website.
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